Dear Readers,
Greetings of the day!
Sometimes we have confusion between Education & Work Experience which is more important?
Do you know both are equally important in Education & Work?
Education is what? its a knowledge shared by experienced scholars shared with the human race to make them wiser, make them more knowledgeable, and make them more useful to survive for the society.
This is itself the experience of someone which is important to learn so we can match the existing situations through the solutions learned in our education. it Makes us more Curious and is one of the specialties of our Human Race.
Education not only gives us information but also taught us to how to behave in society, how to mix in with peoples share knowledge and make friends & establish long term relations which will help one to in society as a human,
Benefits of Education
1] Gives information which improves knowledge
2] education institutes are the social hub where social behavior or student is enhances
3] It gives students the latest technology knowledge so they become more curious
4] Education is sharing information, and it comes from experience which makes students more precise at work
5] It helps to improve the thinking skills and decision making
6] Education makes us wiser if given by wise persons
Work experience is the practical skills earned while working in any Job or any business, work skills are very much important because it gives us an opportunity to mix in society, Gain Knowledge in the specific work area, improve skills & explore a developing opportunity.
Benefits of Working Experience
1] Work gives real-time exposure to a professional working in a social environment
2] Experience improves Social interaction skills
5] Work experience makes a person more professional towards his work & behavior
3] it enhances the financial understanding
4] it enhances the ownership skills
6] work experience helps a person to settle quickly in any type of working environment
But both are equally important, and that’s why, in many countries, there are programs in various schools like learn & earn, or Apprentice Programs So, the collage going Teenagers shall get work experience along with their education, It will help to improve their social skills & work knowledge, which will not only help them to mix in society very well, but it enhances their professional behavior, it improves their financial knowledge. So, when they complete their Graduation, they will go out for work, they appear more professional and become more social at the workplace, which not only helps them to dilute easily in the work environment but also it helps them to prepare success strategy for self as well to the organization or business.
Both Education along with Work experience is important equally for society. Education makes us wise and understanding humans and Work makes us successful & more social in our life.
See there are some examples in the world, that some college dropouts or uneducated peoples are today on the top of successful peoples, but if you go in deep, they are being helped by educated peoples climbing the height of success, and if you read their biographies you will find that those successful peoples also regret their missed education somewhere.
Both Work and Experience are equally important and that's why Big and Growing Companies are offering education programs contain apprentice or project-based work opportunities and education institutes are offering work experience-based education programs to produce more professional workforce.
Thanks for the reading